A couple of things that make you go MMmmm!
Posted on 1st Feb 2022

Mars just made us go MMMM&Mnnn again!!
Following the release of the mega popular M&M's Peanut and Chocolate Hi-Protein Bars back in 2020 AND the M&M's Protein Powder in July last year we welcome the latest and greatest... M&M's Hi-Protein Crispy Bar!
Got you a lil' hot under the collar?!
We feel 'ya!!
Say helloooo to a sexy little 2-piece (like the recent Bounty Hi-Protein bar this one comes in 2 separate, shareable choccy chunks!) and it's dressed to impress! Packed with crispy, crunchy coated candies - yep, there are _literally_ mini M&M's in here! - plus protein crispies, sweet caramel and all finished in signature Mars™ milk chocolate!
The perfect blend of textures to satisfy, just the right amount of sweet to kick the cravings and (more than) enough Crispy M&M's to make you go MMmmmmmmm... If M&M's are your thaaang then pick up a cheeky pack and explore all that fun crunchiness that M&M's have to offer!
Hitting 15g protein per pack this is yet another truly unique, muscle-fuelling functional confectionery creation from one of the biggest names in candy!
Whether you're new to the world of M&M's Hi Protein bars or they've been your lovechild since day dot... 'pick' up an M&M's Hi Protein Crispy bar at The Protein Pick and Mix today!
And, of course, also available to #Pick&Mix in our Mars 'Celebrate the Gainz' bundle!! Mars? Keep 'em coming!!
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