Mars makes Shakes!! Authentic Mars and Snickers Hi-Protein Whey has arrived in the Mix
Posted on 20th Oct 2019

No sense beating about the bush on this one...quite sure the content of the photo headlining this post has got you excited enough already!! Yep, this is certainly quite the way to start the's a MARS Monday!
Yep... Mars, makers of many of your childhood (and, let's be honest, adulthood) favourite chocolate bars, are back in the protein shake game!! And, even better, this time around (as some of you may remember, a few years back Mars *did* have a shake available) they've brought Snickers along for the ride, too!
These gorgeous-looking 25-serve packs of protein, created by Mars themselves, take a slightly different approach to the official Mars shakes that came before.
Last time? Closer to a whey isolate, we found ourselves with a thinner, less flavourful shake that was best enjoyed mixed very short (or mixed with milk). Sadly we, like many of you folks, found it lacked a certain signature Mars-y indulgence (which, let's be honest, was probably the main thing we were after in product by Mars!) .
All-in-all, a great quality product, sure, but it didn't 'hit us in the (foodie) feels' the way we might have hoped. :(
Now? We're delighted to be able to tell you that, with the arrival of this Hi-Protein pair, Mars have stayed far truer to their craveable candy core-focus! The flavours are bolder, richer and more robust...the textures waaaay thicker, creamier and more satisfying (and, yep, perfect blended just with water!). They even LOOK more does their price tag!
The Mars shake packs twice the choccy flavour of it's predecessor yet hangs onto that Malteser/malty undertone that we were big fans of last time around.
Snickers? Definitely our favourite of the two (I mean...their IS peanut involved, after-all!!), this shake delivers an impressively natural nuttiness atop a base that's more cocoa than caramel (ie. bold but not TOO sweet).
Without a doubt the slightly higher kcals per scoop have been put to great use delivering the indulgent taste we expect from Mars, making them fully worthy of a place in the Mix...and we just bet they'll be AWESOME for making (pr)oats (we'll be trying this next!)
Available in the UK at The Protein Pick and Mix now, along with Mars' full range of protein-boosted chocolate bars!
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