Cereal(ously) sweet, satisfying and guilt free! Good O's Cereals have arrived!
Posted on 15th Nov 2021

Consider yourself a 'CEREAL KILLAAA'?!
We don't need to think cereal(ously) hard about that one, folks...we're unashamedly in-love with cereal, from wacky Cinnamon Churros cereal through to the classic Cheerio, line 'em up folks...we want IN! Same for you?! GOOD'O(s) because Good O's Protein Cereal has arrived in the Mix!
Of course, whilst we LOVE the cereal, what we *don't* love? The sugar, the often crazy carbs and we're forever longing for some more protein!
Well the cereal gods over at Good O's have worked a miracle and made this possible! High Protein - over 13g protein per serving, absolutely NO sugar and mad low carbs at only 133kcal MAXXXX per flavour... nothin' quite says FriYAY like a new kid on the block bringing us a dream come true!
In Honey & Vanilla think super-sweet with a strong crunch, classic like a Cheerio... Chocolate? Think Weetos and Choco Hoops. One for fruit lovers? Berry! Think more refined (less citrusy) Fruit Loops!
Sometimes these things are a 'lil bit of a gimmick buuuuut not today folks, oh no - grain free, gluten free, sugar free low carb AND high protein whilst ACTUALLY ticking the tasty cereal box too! Easily the tastiest, true-to-snack protein cereal we've ever tried!
Tony Tiger might have some gggrrrrrrrrrrrreat cereal buuut he's got nothin' on these ceeeerealously delicious and nutritious hoops of happiness!
...breakfast is served!
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