Cookies AHOY, Legends! Choc Chip Cookie GHOST Whey fresh baked & in the Mix!
Posted on 11th Jun 2020

Hands been in the Cookie Jar a little too often this lockdown?! Are we starting to feel a little more 'Cookie Monster' and a little less lean gym-going machines?! (Hopefully not for much longer on those gyms!!)
Well, hang in there #legends!! Now you can indulge that universal cookie craving *and* save that physique the GHOST 'whey' with the latest addition to their already INSANE line-up of unique protein powders...Chocolate Chip Cookie!! There's no better way to beat those cookie-cravings and fuel those lockdown #gainz!
Classic chocolate chip cookies are tough to beat (amirite?!) so a game-changing GHOST Lifestyle take on them were a no-brainer! First? The authentic collab CHIPS AHOY! shake was launched stateside last year and it's just taken a little while for it it make it over this side of the Atlantic but...the guys at Ghost Lifestyle were hardly going to leave us out!!
Complete with some seriously tasty, generous crumbly-cookie pieces - and not just any cookie pieces, folks!! Real CHIPS AHOY!® cookie pieces no less...just the same as in the US version! Need we say more?! - and a bit of a makeover, the irresistible Chocolate Chip Cookie WHEY is here and here to stay for all you Pick & Mixin' cookie monsters!!
Packed with authentic choc chip cookie pieces swirled up in a cookies & creamy, cereal milk-style's SO good and SO different, it's amazing to think how we've managed to survive a whole year since the last new GHOST Whey in the Mix!! Don't worry, though...making up for lost time this much anticipated newbie is delicious, nutritious, fun and EPIC all rolled into one!
With new hotness landing from GHOST on a weekly basis at the moment this is another to add to the mind-blowing, ever-growing collection. Can we have the Nutter Butter Whey now too, guys?!
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