Check out GOT7's guilt-free snack range! Chips, Nachos and...Flips?!
Posted on 3rd Feb 2019

Phew...we made it! Sunday evening!! Ever had one of those weekends where it feels like you need a weekend to recover from the weekend?! Wait...what? That's how EVERYONE feels the end of every weekend? Ah, right. That figures!!
Whether a heavy night watching the rugby yesterday, dealing with snow chaos, doing some overdue payday spending or, you know, just stuck working, all too often Sunday evening is crucial downtime before a manic Monday kicks in...and one of my fave ways to switch-off? Watching a movie with, of course, snacks in hand! That's key
Now, cinema or sitting-room, Pick 'n Mix is *impossible* to beat (and we mean REAL Pick 'n Mix with sweets and jazzies and stuff here!!), snack-wise, but one of my 'picks' for slightly more guilt-free stand-in? Protein Chips & Crisps!
If you're with me on this? Boy have we got a burgeoning range of new goodies for you!
Introducing...GOT7 Nutrition! Hailing from Germany, GOT7 do a HUGE range of healthy snacks and foods (yes, protein chips, but flavour drops, sauces, low sugar chocolate bars, baking mixes...the works!!) but, to kick our new friends off in the Mix, chips are up first!! And not just chips (crisps)...we have 'Flips' and Nachos, too!!
For the chips, with a range of 5 authentic savoury flavours to enjoy - from Sour Cream & Onion to my surprise fave, 'Greek Style' (seriously...try them, folks!!) - these low sugar crispy discs offer an impressive 20g protein per generous 50g (only 200kcal) bag and are guaranteed to satisfy those snack cravings!
The unusually named 'Flips'? Something between Wotsits and NikNaks, these moreish crunchy minis are vegan & glutenfree, super low sugar and, again, just 200kcals a bag (and in amazingly convincing 'Brazilian BBQ' flavour!)
Finally? Goodbye Doritos...hello 'Protein Snack' Nachos! Rich paprika, a light rice-cake like texture,15g protein a 50g bag, less than 2g sugar...we CHALLENGE you to put these down!!
Available in the Mix now, movie night or lunchbox, GOT7's light bites are unrivalled...and great value too! Grab a bag next time you stop by, put your feet up and've 'GOT(7)' this!
Haha...all the best for the week ahead, folks! Time to CRUSH Feb!
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