(PRO)DOUGH-on THEN! New Chocomel Cups CNP ProDough Bars are here!
Posted on 27th Feb 2024

We’ve got somethin’ to make life a liiiittle easier... a lovely little cocoa-kickstarter to get you firing on allllll cylinders!
The latest and possibly gooiest from CNP in their ProDough protein bars range has arrived... yep, let's have a high-five for the 5th bar in the line-up... Chocamel Cups!!
Following on in quick succession from the awesome, cookies & cream-y ‘Dough-lightful’ bar, Chocamel Cups is a full flavoured, smooth, milky, sweet chocolate-dunked, caramel fudge ‘chunk’d’ affair... ohhhh yeah, there’s a whole lot going on in this bumper brownie-style bar!
From decadent taste through to craveable soft texture… with the brownie cake-y textured base lovingly enveloping a delicious seam of thiiiick fondant-like caramel, all Rolo'ing together to give us not-so-naughty Nestle vibes... it’s a heck of a CNPerformance, folks!!
With the usual ProDough bar promise of 17g protein and just 3g sugar but alllllll the flavour you could desire from a sweet chocolate-y candy bar-like delight! If you’re a choccy lover (who isn’t?!) this one’s for you, folks!
'Pick' up a bar or two in the Mix today or why not go ‘all-in’ and grab a CNP '(Pro)Dough'nt You Want One?!' personalised 12x Protein Bar Bundle today because let’s face it… one's never enough!
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