Some things are just MINT to be! Barebells Mint Dark Choc has made it to the UK!
Posted on 23rd Apr 2019

Wow...did the Easter weekend go by fast, or what?! Sunshine, snacks (of the naughty chocolate persuasion), maybe even a little extra sleep? Can't beat a surprisingly summery long weekend!!
Anyways, back to it now and I hope you're ready for us to make up for some lost time with a LOAD of new goodies!
First up? Our best buds at Barebells have graced us with a new flavour of their unbeatable no added sugar bar...the much-anticipated Mint Dark Chocolate!!
Why 'much-anticipated', you ask? Don't's not that you just didn't get the memo on this one...the thing is some of us *kinda* knew about this bar because it was released last Christmas, on Barebells' Swedish home turf, as a bit of a seasonal special...'limited edition' and all. Yep, a bit unfair we missed out back then but the guys do have SO many awesome extra bits out there (even ice cream!!) and we hadn't been holding out all that much hope that the flavour would make it over.
...but, you know what they say, folks! Some things are just... *MINT* to be!
So...Dark Choc Mint is HERE! It's lost the 'Limited Edition' but it's kept the sprinkles!! Yep...a constellation of tiny, crunchy, sweet, white star-shaped sprinkles coat this stellar bar, in stark contrast to the deep, dark, intoxicating mystery of the (very) fudgy, brownie centre.
Don't be mistaken and think this is just your run-of-the-mill 'Dark Choc Mint' bar...sure, there's an overarching fresh, minty-ness to the flavour (helped by the obligatory white fondant layer, à la After Eight) but, in a delicious and pleasantly surprising twist, Barebells have actually kept the coating smooth MILK chocolate (nope! Not dark choc as the name would imply!! But wait...) instead opting to double-down on the rich indulgence of the centre, infusing it with low sugar dark choc!!
All this in mind, yes, it would be fair to say this sophisticatedly-flavoured newbie is a little less cake-like in texture than some of the other Barebells bars but that's a price we pay GLADLY for the new _luxury fudge-brownie experience_ here!
After (Eight) dinner decadence at its very best here...and their lowest calorie bar to date, too!
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