The Lighter WHEY to Enjoy (Maltesers) Chocolate!
Posted on 25th Aug 2020

The all NEW Mars™ Hi-Protein flavour is here! You thought they were done after the comprehensively caramel-y Mars, Snickers and Twix shakes?!
Maltesers Protein is in the Mix right now, joining the formidable, iconic protein by mars line-up, and it's aaaaallll the classic Maltesers chocolate + malt dreamy flavour you could hope for!! If you're crazy for the OG cheeky crunchy choccy balls then this one is going to BLOW YA MIND!!
...and it doesn't end at famous flavour!! Maltesers were already 'the lighter way to enjoy chocolate' and now, packed in these instantly recognisable, suitably in-keeping, vibrant vermilion-coloured bags, each shake comes in at only *99kcals*, and this with 15g protein!! Doesn't get much better than that for an even more guilt-free way to enjoy your favourite malty Mars candy!
Another awesome creation from the Mars team, we thought it couldn't get any better than those M&M's Hi-Protein Bars...buuut, wellll, this surprise Maltesers whey protein powder pulled rank and, whether for the sheer novelty or a-little-bit-naughty, nostalgic choccy malt flavour, this one's not to be missed...especially given the new (almost 'fun-size') pack here; 18-servings in a cute, gym-bag friendly 450g pack...not the 750g packs of its siblings!
Taking its rightful place in the Mix - Maltesers delicious protein powderis ready to 'roll' NOW!! And Protein By Mars ...we'll keep holding our breath for that protein Twix and, whilst we're at it, actual protein Maltesers, too...pretty pleaaase!!
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