TWIX in the Mix!! Mars delight with their latest officially indulgent chocolate protein powder
Posted on 21st Feb 2020

It's Fri-YAY and the importance of finishing the week on a high is paramount (especially after the website glitches yesterday!! Sorry if you had trouble getting your Mixes in!)...and boy do WE have an epic Fri-YAY for you!!
What a time to be alive, folks...we can scarcely believe our eyes but everyone's favourite two-fingered chocolate meets biscuit meets caramel candy bar has translated into a tasty protein shake!!
Are you excited?!
Excellent!! We are too!!!
That's, right! As official as it gets, Mars themselves first delivered on the classic, iconic Mars Bar, then the peanut-packed, hunger-satisfying Snickers Bar and, as of now, the tantalising, biscuit-based Twix, too!!
More fine work by Mars/Protein by Mars, these gorgeous-looking 25-serve packs of protein are not only wonderfully evocative - brimming with deep childhood lunchbox nostalgia! - but house a distinctively bold, rich, authentic, biscuitt-y, intense caramel flavour, atop the uniquely thiiiick, creamy and satisfying protein blend Mars have become known for!
Yes, whilst a slightly higher calorie shake for sure, delivery of that true Twix flavour has been prioritised - we'd want it no other way! - and you'll find a respectable (especially for a Twix!!) 21g protein per sensational serving...low sugar and low fat, too!
Taking its rightful place in the Mix alongside the Mars & Snickers proteins...will we see an actual protein Twix Bar in the Mix soon, too?! We'll be keeping our (chocolate) fingers crossed!!
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