Vegan Protein just got...YUMMY!
Posted on 30th Jan 2019

We've had new Snickers, Carrot Cake, Mug Cake, Cookie Dough, Peanut much as it seems that January 2019 has shot by in a flash, looking back, we've actually managed to cram quite a bit in over here in the Mix, and we hope the month has been similarly action-packed for you guys out there as you've been striving towards your New Years goals, smashing PBs and the rest!
We have one final little launch for you all tomorrow to close out the month (you're going to LOVE it!!) but, for right now, one of the big stories of January has been #Veganuary, and we have one last introduction for you!!
Check this out, folks...a typically mad and marvelous product from our Canadian friends over at Yummy Sports (and their very first vegan one!), Yummy VEGAN Protein in 'Matchaz Macaron' flavour!
Matchaz Macaron? Yep...wacky as ever, this is a first for us, too!!
We had to dive right into a bag to try this one (as many of you will know, dairy-free protein is VERY difficult to get right...we wouldn't dream of introducing one to you guys we hadn't personally taste-tested and approved and, with a flavour this unusual, it was a total must!!) and we were a little surprised how much we liked what we found!! Kudos, Yummy Sports!
Don't be put off by 'matchaz' here (AKA. Matcha Green Tea) as it's very mild, and just adds an extra dimension to the flavour, ingeniously helping to cover the typical savoury note of the Pea, Rice and Hemp protein at play in the blend here. The main flavour? Chocolate! Smooth, mild chocolate.
So, at just 100kcals a serving, this distinctive, naturally sweetened protein is perhaps better described as 'Choc Matcha Macaron', and this sits atop an impressively creamy, smooth base...easy to mix and all-too-easy to enjoy!
Do you know this shake is vegan? Sure. But we've never tried a flavour quite like this and, if you've struggled with the usual Choc and Vanilla on your recent veganuary mission? This one might just blow you away!
Yep, VEGAN Protein just got...Yummy!
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