Good as gold! Misfits' 7th bar flavour up's the decadence by marrying white chocolate & peanut!
Posted on 10th Aug 2020

Behold, the first WHITE CHOCCY coated plant-based bar from Misfits! Welcome to the Mix... White Choc Salted Peanut!!
They've really stepped the sweet-treat up with this, the 7th bar in the vegan-friendly, all-natural line-up, and you better believe it's yet another tasty, trusty triple-layered sensation to add to the stack! From the crumbly, crispy-crammed centre, to the peanutt-y nibs and its luxurious white chocolate low-sugar its wrapper, this bar is good as GOLD!
Let's not forget the wonders of allll Misfits glorious bars, golden or otherwise - vegan (of course), gluten free and containing 15g of protein and LESS than 3g sugar... ticking ALLLL the boxes with absolutely no sacrifice in terms of protein, provenance or...peanuts!!!
An explosion of flavour from first bite to last, White Choc Salted Peanut was always going to be a MASSIVE winner for all of us peanut lovers here in the Mix! And kudos, Misfits, for pulling off sweet white chocolate in dairyfree!! Rare and welcome and, that white choc married with robust roasted peanut flavour and, of course, that fun MisFits trademark generous caramel layer? This bar stands out in a already-awesome range that just keeps growing!!
In the Mix now, pick up a couple of singles to try or go all-in and grab a mix of 12 tasty plant-based bars in our 'UnMIS-sable Misfits Bar Bundle' today!
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