Pre-Workout SHOCK & AWE! 'Merica Labz Supplements have exploded into the Mix
Posted on 21st Jun 2018

...if you ever want to take your workouts NUCLEAR, then look no further!! The formidable 'Merica Labz has landed in the Mix!
'Merica Labz has earned a reputation over the pond - AKA. "the land of the free and home of the jacked!" - for some seriously high octane, fully-loaded supps! And, with one glance at the labels on their Stars-and-Stripes liveried tubs, you can see why; the dosages give 'supersize me!!' a whole new meaning!
From their 'Red, White and BOOM' PreWorkout (this is the high - and we mean HIGH! - stim one) to their 'Stars and Pipes' Stim-Free Pump Agent (no caffeine here, for those of you who love to see your veins balloon but who like to sleep occasionally!!), 'Merica Labz have gone full 'shock & awe' here! The cool thing is, they've kept things reassuringly simple, though (particularly on Stars & Pipes! Just 3 active ingredients here, but MEGATON dosages!)...nothing you don't need and a whole hell of a lot of what you do!!!
Of course, the ingredients speak for themselves (TL;DR...they WORK)...all we would say? For the vast majority of folks (even adrenally-fatigued caffeine-junkies like ourselves), even a half-scoop goes a looooong way!! In fact...
Start with 1/2 a scoop!! (trust us!!)
...and what's also cool about this? Halving a scoop gives you TWICE the servings (and 40 servings per tub is alot better than just 20 here!!)
FLAVOURS, though? You KNOW we love our mad flavours! Don't worry! If these didn't also taste good? They wouldn't be in the Mix!
From the 'Freedom' Lemon (refreshing, zingy but not TOO tart) through to 'Merican Made' (classic orange), 'Blood, Sweat & Tears' (sweet mixed fruit...watermelon kinda leads it, though) and the AWESOMELY named 'Make America GRAPE again' (geddit?! ) the won't disappoint!!
'Merica Labz..a brand with a burly Bald Eagle commando mascot and striped labels?!? How could we NOT love these!!!Available now, find out what "US-Awesome" feels like (only for the BRAVE!)
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