Shake it, baby! The Kernel's back with NEW flavours!
Posted on 21st Dec 2020

With ya'll already going CRAAAY for your favourite Popcorn Seasoning and Oatmeal Mix-In's from the Kernel, when we got a shot at a handful of flavours we haven't had before?! We just HAD to sort you guys out!
So...what's NEW you ask?!
In Popcorn Seasonings we haaave...
- Birthday Cake
- Butter Salt (the Movie Theatre classic!)
Tasty Shakes Oatmeal Mix-Ins...
- Cinnamon & Spice
- Berry Berry Cherry
- Blueberries & Cream
- Banana's & Cream
- Harvest Raspberry
Quuuite the selection huh?! AND, yep, those much-anticipated restocks on your faves from Bacon Cheddar through to Milk Chocolate Caramel...they're alllll back!
Guilt-free, mega low calorie, low sugar, super flexible and most importantly SUPER tasty! Whether you're using them for popcorn or just gettin' your 'shake on' breathing some life into some dull dishes and desserts, these cute little guys are the ultimate seasonings when you need a little bit of flaaava, be it #movienight or that breakfast bite!!
With something for surely everyone, the Kernel's back and he's brought enough newbies to satisfy allll the cravings!
Get your kernel seasons fix from the Mix today, folks! Haha...the perfect seasonings for the Season!
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