'Spoon (?!) the Smackdown' with Choc Salted Praline Peanut Butter from SMACKDOWN PB!
Posted on 27th Nov 2018

Pink Friday behind us, it's time to introduce you to a brand new, outta-this-world-delicious CHOCOLATEY, CARAMELLY, CRUNCHY hazelnut-infused peanut butter from a, likewise, brand new company...SMACKDOWN Peanut Butter!
This divine new handmade butter is the first to come out of the Smackdown PB blenders and we knew it had Pick&Mix written allll over it from the first spoonful!!
Officially, 'Chocolate Salted Praline' is the flavour (sexy enough in its own right!!) but what this name signifies is the BIG deal here... rich, cocoa-infused, spreadable, spoonable peanutbutter complete with freshly-roasted hazelnut chunks (there's your real praline, folks!!), peanut chunks and, our FAVE part, cocoa biscuitty crunchies!
I mean, guys, we're essentially talking all-natural peanutty brownie-batter stuffed with crunchy iinclusions, swirls of sweet, golden salted caramel and boosted with premium whey protein (this spread works out about 32% protein!!) It's even LOW SUGAR as it's sweetened with natural Xylitol!
We know a load of you guys were lucky enough to catch this one on our of our Pink Friday 'Deals of the Day' but, either way, if you fancy laying the 'SMACKDOWN' on your (soon to be grateful) taste-buds with something quirky, new and addictive? Look no further!!
Available in the Mix NOW (and look out for more flavours from these guys soon!!)
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