BSN Rice Krispie-esque bar... in Candy Cane Flavour?!
Posted on 30th Oct 2018

Let the Minty Madness begin! Taking a (brief) break from pumpkins, gingerbread men and assorted spices, it's time to introduce you to a few of the, well, totally 'mint' new bars and snacks we have in the Mix for you, fresh (minty fresh, in fact!!) for the forthcoming festive season!
This in mind, let us introduce you to the new *Limited Edition* Candy Cane BSN Protein Crisp bar!
As the bar's tag-line goes, 'make every day feel like a cheat day'...and what's MORE of a 'cheat day' than Christmas day, when even those with the staunchest willpower falter?! Yeah...BSN got it just right on this one!!
We've not had BSN's Crisp bars in the Mix for quite a while now (it's just a NIGHTMARE to get our hands on them in Europe!)'s definitely a shame! We have always been big fans! These bars offer a wonderful mix of textures...yes, crisp first and foremost (that'll be the protein rice crisps that make up most of this satisfyingly sizeable bar), but partly chocolate-coated and drizzled too (not only taste but #aesthetics on point here!) and, in this particular bar? Real candy-cane style pieces!!
The distinctive red/white Candy Cane shards studded into the top of this giant Rice Krispie-esque bar are the hero of this bar, injecting fun and flavour into the, already, generally Polo Mint flavoured proceedings (sharply minty but well-balanced with sweetness and that same 'creaminess' - if that's the word! - you get from Polo Mints).
Extra cool? Just because it walks the walk of a Candy Cane treat it doesn't mean it packs the sugar of one!! Just 5g sugar a bar and a huuuuge 20g protein. Gluten Free and in a gorgeous Red/Green traditional Christmassy wrapper, too!!
BSN Candy Cane Crisp (gotta love that alliteration!) is available in the Mix now! It's bold, it's beautiful, it's vaguely breath-freshening...BSN genuinely impressed us with this one, guys (and we're not even huge fans of mint!!) Check it out whilst it's here!
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